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The foundation of Maui provides a new ecological consciousness manakai swimwear

Maui manakai launched a new line of environmental protection swimsuit swimsuit. The collection of eco consciousness is a sustainable technical fabric made from sustainable plastics and manufactured on domestic soil.

Almost all of the swimwear in the market today is made of some form of polyester. Each year, about 70 million barrels of crude oil is produced to produce virgin polyesters.

Instead, manakai uses recycled and recycled polyester warp knitted fabrics to make their garments. Environmentally sustainable fabrics are made from 100% consumer recycled fibers. Fabric – made of waste PET material, including carpet fluff, plastic bottles and fishing lines – is designed to withstand chlorine and suntan oil and creams, ultra, according to company website. These fabrics provide not only muscle control and shape retention, but also UV protection, soft feel and comfortable stretch.

Company boss Anna Lieding said manakai custom swimwear manufacturers, do custom print all their certification and Accreditation of environmental NGOs in the ecological consciousness of their company. In addition to using eco-friendly fabrics, the company also produces environmentally friendly custom swimwear manufacturers in the United states.

“Manakai swimsuit is working with several small family businesses and we’ve spent months working side by side,” Lieding said. “We put the swimsuit to hand in life is happy, get paid, can survive wages, enjoy some vacation time, and, from first hand experience, we can ensure that all United States laws and regulations by you in a pleasant and safe environment.”

Here are a few images of swimwear lines:



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