Dressing skills

Swimwear manufacturer Designer Marysia Levi’s guide the Bahamas

swimwear manufacturer

Take a sunhat and a little trip to seaport swimwear manufacturer island.

In her teenage ballet dancer and surfer, a Poland born entrepreneur, Marysia Dobrzanska Reeves found himself constantly switching between his tights and diving suits. When she was young she appeared in her uniform line swimming and the beach, Scallop in Shell edge design Marysia swimming, where you can wear sand, surf (or Levi’s love do in the office.) So, the swimsuit Master goes to her own beach to rest? You will find her on the seaport island in the Bahamas, three miles long in 1.5-mile-wide Island, in the Caribbean, called the cottage of its colonies, and the pink beach.

Her husband has been looking for a holiday in the Bahamas, and he grew up visiting the island. So when their friend and jewelry designer Jane Pope Cooper went to like it, they followed her lead. In November the Dunmore Hotel Marysia flagship store opened, Levi’s is part of an island now. Here, she told us what to do once you leave the plane.

Where is the best breakfast in the city?

I like a healthy fruit juice and a snack bar, called the Dessert Cafe. They have coconut milk, and I think I’m in California.

Where is your favorite lunch place?

Sip Sip! They have the most delicious salad, children like big hot dogs, a lot of local flavor and marine landscape guidance. You always meet friends and easily become a drunken afternoon. When the children run to the beach, you can stay all day without trouble and haste.

What kind of walk do you recommend?

Walking barefoot on the beach is my favorite. The island is only three miles long, so you can cover the whole length at a time without a problem. You must protect a big cap from the strong sun, though.

Where should we stay?

The. This is a special place, there is a feeling, your fist. The staff are cute and they make you feel good at home.

What can you do there?

We love to go to sea, snorkeling, and fishing. The Dunmore arranges all the equipment you need even your charter boat in binhai.

What would you dream of if you were not on the port island?

Swimming with my family swimwear manufacturer for a few hours in the turquoise sea.


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