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Speedo team with Samsung gear fit2 pro, gear motion swimming tracker

Samsung is diving down to wearable computers, announcing a partnership with iconic Australian manufacturer Speedo swimwear, which produces a range of swimming related costumes that automatically track your every move in water.

In the huge IFA Electronics Show in Berlin, Samsung announced two new equipment, waterproof, exercise smart watch gear fit2 occupation sports belt and gear, and Speedo will be “on” application to track the number of rings, lap time and type of stroke, they wear in the swimming pool.

Samsung has announced that the gear S4 gear S3, its popular SmartWatch update, but announced gear movement, the equivalent of a smaller, more movement of the gear S3 and gear fit2 version, Pro, both of which will withstand water pressure five, Samsung said.

The barometric pressure of the five barometric pressure is approximately 50 meters below the surface of the water.

In the application of the device to transmit data to the Samsung Speedo existing applications of health tracking program, Samsung’s health, so the user does not need to track their swimming separately from other activities, such as running, Samsung has been tracking equipment.

It will also allow athletes to measure their “swolf” or “swimming Golf”, which is a measure of stroke efficiency, as well as competition against other competitors through remote network challenges, Samung said.

“Our partnership with Samsung is one of them, fitness swimming athletes will bring innovation and Samsung Speedo the best provider of concentrated with a completely new track level,” said Rob Hicking, at the Speedo international brand director, in a statement.

It’s $549 and $329 in gear, gear motor fit2 Pro will also enhance the tracking rate compared to the previous models, Samsung said that the new heart rate monitor, it is located on the back of the device, the infrared measurement of the wrist blood flow, “the top line”.

Heart rate tracking has been a controversial area in the fitness tracking industry. Most devices strive to produce consistent results, especially when they try to measure the pulse of people who engage in strenuous activity. 2016, Fitbit, which claims to have the most accurate heart rate on market tracking technology, is used to report below the actual pulse, which will encourage people to exercise after a long time, they should stop, the lawsuit claims.

Worldwide sales of wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness tracker is expected to 16.7 percentage points, than the 2016 growth in 2017, according to research firm gartner. The industry’s total revenue to reach $30 billion 700 million, and smartwatches accounted for about $1/3, or us9.3 billion, according to Gartner said.

Samsung gear movement will have the Super 1.2 inch AMOLED screen, a S3 gear less than 1.3 inches display shadow, and “20mm watchband durability and standard military level”, which means that, unlike Apple watches, sports gear may change with other custom swimwear manufacturers.

At the same time, the gear fit2 Pro will feature a 1.5 inch curved Super AMOLED display and a custom, sporty belt.


Samsung also said it has reached an agreement that will allow the music tracks with Spotify and Spotify to be stored in play from a fitness device, via Bluetooth headset, while the proximity of a handset is needed.
Samsung also announced updates to its running gear icon, X headphones, with improved battery life.

Gear fit2 Pro will be available in Australia in September 15th. Gear movement and Gear Icon X will be available from November 1st, with pre order opening in mid October, Samsung officials said.


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