Dressing skills

Mr Jonathan Adler, a cooperative swimwear capsule

Jonathan Skow, the designer of Mr. Turk’s collection in Losangeles, is a spring swimwear capsule collection Jonathan Adler cooperation.


“Jonathan Adler is a good friend of mine. Like me, it’s a hot swimmer. Every time we spend a holiday together, we spend a considerable amount of time talking about the beach, swimming and swimming suits. We visited his house beach we think of a cooperative capsule swimwear last year, Tesco, designer and author of “wave.

So the two cooperation creates a line of seven tours and hut style combining “Mr. Turk’s style and fashion with Jonathan Adler’s printmaking and chic.” We’ve come up with some sensational suits that will make you find a pool party, a beach or a barbecue, “said Scott.

“I watch all the Turk swimsuits in the summer, all the time. They miraculously turned anyone into a supermodel. I don’t believe I’m going to wear a Turk swimwear in the summer, “Adler said.

These collections will be retailing from 128 to 198 dollars, and will be launched at Turk boutique in late March. Jonathan Adler stores will be selected in two companies’ websites and high-end department stores.


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