Dressing skills

Marcus Lemonis not only saved this struggling swimwear business, he became a part of the family

Chuck Handy has a million dollar idea: Inspired by his wife’s complaint about the lack of cheat swimsuit, he will start a company to fill the retail hole. He wants it to be a family business. So he brought his little son, occupied the vice president of the place, when the daughter is not teaching, the daughter to run and his wife at night chips. For him, Chuck, he will serve as president and design director.

In 2010, Chuck Handy’s SWIM was launched in Miami. However, for all buzzs around the company, buyers have never queued, and millions have never been realized. With their entire family life and wealth being wrapped in SWIM, Handy’s local business is declining – until the profits of Marcus Lemonis throw the tribe to the lifeguard, that’s it.

With years of experience in leading swimwear sales, Chuck believes he knows the industry is already very good, first of all to grasp. However, he was not prepared for his aesthetic view and SWIM middle-aged female population separation. Chuck’s design is based on visits to high-end retailers, and his visit is called “research” – just not dealing with customers. More importantly, these patterns and styles are outdated because they have been imitated in swimwear designs already on the market.

Design overhaul for the brand has just started is a very simple thing, but with Marcus in the business audit soon found, SWIM’s financial situation is a mess. The company was slightly run by Chuck and son Charlie, seriously underestimating its wholesale business, thus missing key profits and debts. And no profit to stimulate it, the company’s inventory is located in a tiny Miami warehouse, is also very lacking.

SWIM has lost its business for all purposes and purposes. However, Marcus in the company’s large-scale mission to feel the great potential, and his combination of large-scale fashion synergies, decided to invest, occupy more than half of the company, and its from top to bottom to transform. As SWIM is now under his control, he quickly relocated to headquarters from Miami to New York, from China to the United States.

In order to further help Handy’s family business to get rid of free fall, Marcus joined his LA fashion company ML Creative design recommendations. The team confirmed this: Chuck’s design was detrimental to the business and limited the coverage of its business. So, in order to change the route, Marcus with his other company Indian village SWIM and a group of young graphic designers linked to update their appearance, and changed his design role.

He also introduced a new name, Siloett, to redefine the company from a conspicuous male perspective and expand the product line. Siloett will now carry hats, bags, towels and slippers as an extension of its main swimsuit series – Chuck’s capable daughter Mary Ellen will take the lead in the fashionable background.

With these radical changes, Marcus gave the family space to prove his worth. And as the Handy clan was able to pull all of it into an impressive industry show, selling thousands of orders, and Marcus in this process, Mary Ellen (Mary Ellen) is the brightest. She not only brought Marcus’s advice and direction to Siloett, but also surpassed the demands he had made, provided a new concept and outlined an vision for the effective development of the brand.

Now, thanks to Marcus for the careful re-adjustment of the Handy family business, Siloett is working with Mary Ellen to flourish. Chuck and Charlie are still involved in the sale of the brand, but Mary Ellen can collaborate with Marcus by working with Marcus via email and text.

Siloett may not look like Chuck’s original vision for family swimsuit business. He may not even call, he admitted that the concessions are very difficult. But he still thanked Marcus for giving him and his family a second chance. Moreover, it seems that he now also thinks that Marcus is part of the convenience of the family.

“Marcus is not necessarily a partner,” Chuck said, “he came in his brother ‘s identity.


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