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Fashion makers set up their own private label swimwear manufacturers saying that the price is realistic

private label swimwear manufacturers

The Freshwater woman’s Ruth Hurley swimsuit is very different from many other Australian private label swimwear manufacturers.

It’s not something of value.

The dollar’s coat was priced at $49, and the lowest was $30, and she said she realized she wanted to make the RH swimsuit cheaper.

The water said the woman, her British background, ten years ago she moved from Hampshire to Australia, made her more price consciousness.

The large street shops in the UK usually make fashion much cheaper than Australia.

“I think it’s the only bikini with unique beauty in bikini,” she said. “I think it’s the only bikini swimsuit that sells for less than 100 dollars.” ,

“Even a few labels appear every week, but most of them are very expensive.

“From Britain, you can get more high street things,”

The former marketing woman decided to launch his own brand after an empty year after a tour of Latin America. U.S.A。

Four years later, the Top Bikini blog “Oakley wears her creation in Instagram to help promote sales.” She has 1 million 900 thousand followers.

Each time she posted a picture of RH private label swimwear manufacturers swimsuit sales surging.

Hurley, who started her savings company, plus her uncle’s help, made life mom’s 11 month old daughter, Amelie and her company, stared at it four years ago.

Now she has a big online retailer, iconic on the boat.

But she admits it’s not easy to be a new mother.

“I just work as much as possible,” she said. “Luckily, the baby sleeps a lot, I just want it to work.”

When she studied fashion, she said she taught herself most of the skills she needed to start a company.

It has kept prices down in China. When she was really exploring the Australian factory, she said she wanted something that was not easy to make on the shore.

“I find that if you want something to make, they say they are to be outsourced anyway.”

Hurley took fourth photos of her new private label swimwear manufacturers collection, taken in fresh water beach and Shirley pool.

She said she might expand the beach coverage in the future.

“It’s still a new label, but it’s really good, it’s so exciting to do yourself.”


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