Dressing skills

Custom swimwear make fun of the summer

Trish Crowder is the answer to the warm weather problems of most women. Design custom swimsuit owners / designers through exelnt to make swimsuits suitable for all types and flattery. “Most custom swimwear manufacturers cater for about 10% of the population,” Trish said. “I took care of the other 90%” on Thursday, where she held a ribbon cutting ceremony in her new royal oak tree, where she received a welcome plaque from city and county. She will hold a grand opening party on Sunday to open food and refreshments to the public. Custom swimwear on 4732 Rochester Road, royal oak.

custom swimwear manufacturers

Mocad offers hip-hop camps

The Museum of Contemporary Art culture and the Detroit City Art Federation gave a serious assessment of the hip-hop culture. HHAC is a dense experience that introduces the lack of representative youth to the architectural and urban planning principles through the hip-hop scenes. The camp plan was created by Detroiter Michael Ford (youth age 10-17), which runs through the whole February, including March 3rd in MOCAD, and a pop-up exhibition camp. On Saturday, participants will write their lyrics for their songs as a basis for the music video of hip-hop camps. The contestants will compete with each other, and the winner will be selected by the jury. The winners will be awarded a beat Federer headset, will appear in the mocad / HHAC music video. Information, contact Mike Koftinow at mkoftinow@mocadetroit.org.

Experience Jazz in a close Palmer Woods environment

In order to let Detroit Metro Jazz fans happy, “Palmer forest music home playing jazz, classical music and world music in the history of the family show on Saturday night at 8 Black Concert, at 5:30 in the afternoon for children held a free concert education. This characteristic of the black music is an extraordinary musical group, composed by guitar player / composer A. Spencer Barefield, including Ian Finkelstein, Marcus Elliot, Rafael Statin, Jeff Pedraz, and Statin. The concert was in a building Palmer Woods jewel – a revival home of 1927 Tudor, overflowing with Chinese, African and African American art works. The evening concert, a feast for the soul food of chicken and vegetables, Mac “n” cheese, including yam and peach pies.


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