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50% discount: the big sale swimwear manufacturer store is ready to shut down


swimwear manufacturer

The decision to close the Agnes swimwear manufacturer swimsuit 20 years later is the lifestyle choice of Debbie Budd.

When a woman in the beach swimsuit of love said it was hard for a man to say goodbye to her, her old customer closed the store in April.

By the end of the close, the store will offer a 50% discount.

Ms. Budd said that when she announced the store was closed, her friends and customers gave her lovely news that she almost cried.

One of the main reasons she continued, she said, was that her husband, Peter, had lost cancer after six years of chemotherapy.

She and Peter built a family on Agnes’s water and made many friends, but she said she needed to get closer to her three best friends and family in southeastern Queensland.

63 years old this year, we are considering moving to Bribie island because of the sense of Agnes’s water in its small towns.

“When you run a swimwear manufacturer, you don’t have much time for yourself,” she said.

“It was time to rest, a little sad, but I was also very excited and a little scared.”

Leaving the seashore tourist city will be a hard day, Ms. Budd.

“Once you’re alone, the situation is different,” she said.

“I have been too far away from the three best friends I know, for more than 30 years. In all of this, they helped me a lot. ”

When they moved to Agnes Water, she and Peter bought a land where they would build their favorite homes, with the view of the sea and the land.

The region is scarce in employment, so Budd decides that the man who opens the beach creates her own job.

Her motto “every body” swimsuit, Budd quickly became the first choice for women to find a Bikinis nightclub and install it in the right place.

For many customers, if she has a size, she has promised to continue to make a swimsuit.

“I have a lot of customers doing swimsuits again and again,” she said.

Ms. Budd said she had shipped swimsuits across the state and abroad.

“I’m glad to be able to do that. I just don’t want to do the job,” she said.

She thanked her customers and Agnes water community for their support in the store for 20 years.


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